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Sunday 29 January 2012

80:Going to the zoo, zoo, zoo how about you, you, you

This is Russia. I wanted to go to the dolphinarium. To go there you have to go to the zoo first. So they can take two lots of money off you. (Having said that, I think there is a "new" dolphinarium in BBЦ and I shall explore that another time.)
I enjoyed the half-hour show in the dolphinarium: there were seals, then a dolphin, and then an enormous beluga whale, all of which were doing lots of tricks in return for bucketfuls of fish.
Unfortunately, and understandably, no photography allowed during the show so today's photos are from the zoo visit. Plus a silly song for any children reading this blog!


  1. Des, I'm sure that was a moment for you to behave like Russians. Forbidden? No way! I was at the dolphinarium and managed to take some photos during the show. Even didn't think it was forbidden :) Nobody said anything, believe me. They don't care.

  2. "... So they can take two lots of money off you"...

    Шотландец едет в одном купе с англичаниным. Тот на каждой станции куда-то бегает и возвращается обратно, с трудом переводя дух.
    - Куда это вы все время бегаете? - удивляется шотландец.
    - Видите ли, я еду от врача-кардиолога. Он сказал, что я могу умереть в любой момент. Вот я и беру билет только до следующей станции.
