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Sunday 1 January 2012

54:Happy New Year

The first blog of a new year. 2012. What will it bring for each and every one of us? (The New Year I mean, not the blog!). Some surprises, some disappointments, probably some sadness but, hopefully, also a lot of happiness. Life, to a certain extent, is what you make of it. The decisions you make, or don't make, can have a profound effect on the direction your life takes, the people you meet, the friends you make. 
I wish you good luck with keeping any New Year's resolutions you may have made to make your life better in some way.
I could go on but these are only platitudes. 
a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful:

For my photo today I felt it only appropriate to show some fireworks. A truly international symbol of celebration. I had a look on flickr for an interesting picture to download but so many of the pictures are copyright protected. So here is one from my own album. I know it won't win any "best picture" prizes. 

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