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Saturday, 24 December 2011

47:It beggars belief

Sorry guys, I'm going to talk about begging again. It is endemic in Moscow. I see them every single day. And now the dear little old ladies are out on their knees in the snow. I must confess I weakened yesterday and gave this one some money.
They tend to fall into three categories: little old babushkas, crossing themselves frantically as you pass, ex-military  with no legs wheeling themselves on tiny trolleys up and down the metro system, and people with placards asking for money for an operation for their son or daughter or asking for money for bread because their son has died.
Many of the people I have spoken to suggest that begging is a highly organised racket and a large proportion of earnings goes to the the criminals who mastermind the operation. Be that as it may, it is still a crying shame to see an old lady on her knees in the snow. She should be at home with her feet up, enjoying her well-earned retirement. Not out on the streets all day and every day in the snow and the biting wind.
The State appears to be letting these people down.

1 comment:

  1. 80 фактов о Лондоне и Великобритании (честно скопипЭйджЭнно)

    В туристическом районе Сохо можно почувствовать запах марихуаны на каждом углу и это никого не волнует. В худшем случае вам грозит штраф.
