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Tuesday, 20 December 2011

43:A wasted journey

My first student of the day is sick. Poor Olga. Let's hope she feels better soon. Unfortunately she either forgot, or didn't think, to tell me she wasn't going to be in work. So, two short walks, two bus rides, six metro rides (including four changes) and two shuttle bus rides later, here I am home again. 2½ hours wasted, not to mention getting up at 5.30. 
Still, as the TV ad in UK said a year or so back, "I'm not bitter". Especially since this particular contract provides for a Late Cancellation so at least I will get paid for my troubles.

Here is a snatched photo of a fresco on the ceiling of Komsomolskiy metro station. I say snatched because if you stand still in the metro at that time of the morning you are likely to get trampled underfoot in the seething mass of humanity that is Moscow on the way to work.

1 comment:

  1. «В Лондоне, в своей гостиной, сидит англичанин, курит трубку и читает утреннюю Times. Вдруг обваливается стена, и в гостиную, скрипя тормозами, въезжает Бентли, за рулем которого сидит другой англичанин. Хозяин дома спокойно переводит на него взгляд, вынимает трубку и спрашивает:
    - Могу я спросить, куда сэр так торопится?
    - В Манчестер, сэр!
    - В таком случае, сэр, Вам было бы ближе через кухню…»
