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Sunday, 11 December 2011

34:Larging it Part II

Another example of the Russian propensity for things large. This is the front of the Frunzenskaya metro station. Last Thursday evening I saw a manager ejecting an old drunk from the McDonalds you can see here. Very impressive the way the manager just pinned his arms around the drunk and marched him out.

I went to the cinema yesterday to see the new film "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy". In Russian it has been renamed as "шпион выйди вон". Anybody any idea why? I enjoyed it immensely but was glad I had already read the book and seen the original film otherwise I wouldn't have had a scooby what it was about. John Le Carre's books are quite heavy.

Scooby = clue. Rhyming slang from the cartoon character Scooby Doo.


  1. What should I see on the pic? Perhaps, I'm sort of blind but I can see nothing special, people are blurred...
    I haven't watched the film but I suppose the title is somehow linked to the sense. Of course they couldn't just translate the title word-for-word, so they tried to make up another title in Russian. Perhaps they just haven't succeeded in it :)

  2. Alyonka, it's the sheer size of the building that is so impressive. We just don't normally do things on this scale.

  3. Des, aaah, alright! I thought maybe there's the drunk somewhere....
