Came across this during my walk on Friday and it set me thinking... | Destination unknown
The final destination is unknown for all of us. Where will we be 'when the music stops'?? What country? The country of our birth or some foreign field? Will we be in our own home, surrounded by family & friends, or in a hospital or care home? Will we still be 'compos mentis' or will we have 'lost the plot'? Nobody can know the answer to these questions as our life unfolds and draws to an inexorable close. And after that? Those of us lucky enough to have Faith can look forward to an after life in eternity. For unbelievers there is really nothing to look forward to. Just THE END. Конец фильма! |
The walk was part of a recce. I wanted to explore (some of) the area between Hospitalitet de L'infant and Cambrils. Google maps suggested a 3-hour walk but by the time I'd walked from the railway station into town I knew I wouldn't have enough oomph left for another 3-hours. I did, however, walk from Hospitalitet into Miami Playa where I had a very nice lunch and caught a bus home. That's what recces are all about - finding out what can, and what can't, be achieved. Next time, perhaps tomorrow, I know I can catch a bus from Cambrils to Hospitalitet and then walk the 3 hours back.
 | I'd heard of 'whiskey in a jar' but beer?
 | 2 Russians appeared from nowhere. I surprised them when I said "Приятного аппетита"
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