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Saturday, 6 November 2021

475: When plan 'B' stands for Burger King! ('A' was A McDonalds!)

Plan A was to walk to Cambrils this morning, aiming to arrive there just on midday, which is when the McDonalds opens. Or does when it's not being renovated or 'done up' (капитальный ремонт). What a disaster! (qué desastre).

What was I to do? I'd already had Spanish food this week when I went to a Freesia group lunch on Thursday. Twice in one week is pushing it. Inspiration came to me, just in time. I took a bus halfway back to Salou and alighted at Vilafortuny where there is a Burger King. Joy of joys. A burger, an ice cream and a cold beer. Just to put back all the calories I had walked off getting there. Then I walked home - it was time for my power nap.

A lovely walk today. Wall-to-wall sunshine, with an almost cloudless sky. Not bad for November. It was a bit windy, I'll grant you, but not enough to dampen the enthusiasm.Most of the tourists have returned from whence they came, leaving locals and expats. You can hear and see the sounds of work being done to upgrade/repair holiday apartments and hotels (and McDonalds) ready for next year's sun-seekers. Many of the bars and restaurants have closed for the winter. 

 More Hale & Pace. If you're going to watch it, I suggest watching right to the end.

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