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Wednesday, 2 June 2021

466: The REAL Camino - Part II

Days 1 and 2 under the belt. I found today much harder than yesterday. (Note to self, wait for tomorrow!) Looking on the map the stretch from Neda to Pontedueme looked to be simply a North to South route but I found it to be a bit of a meander, in and out like a fiddler's elbow, up and down like a tart's drawers! You know the Duke of York? Not that 'nice' Prince Andrew, we all know and love, but the one from the children's nursery rhyme. I spent a lot of time today marching up to the top of a hill and marching down again. 

My heart has been in my mouth almost every step, for two reasons. Firstly I was concerned that the barking dogs I heard here and there might not have been behind big fences - they were, thankfully. I didn't need to parry them off with my trusty peregrino pole. Secondly that I might have come across a high bridge that needed crossing. I don't do high bridges and it would have been a premature end to the adventure. This one, at Pontedueme, was easy-peasy.

           ▷PONTEDEUME, la villa de los 750 aƱos * Una idea un viaje

A few pictures: a few views, a few meals, and two Strava route maps.

The tourist office at Ferrol. The route starts here
Equipment for Seniors, but I needed to save my energy


Una tostada con tomate. A Spanish favourite.


A mushroom. The best way to know if mushrooms are good to eat is to buy it in a shop.

View from the bedroom window

A square pizza! Who knew!

Another hill conquered





1 comment:

  1. Are you getting your card stamped? We had a 'passport' that got stamped at the alberges.
