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Wednesday, 17 June 2020


I'm just over halfway through my two week mandatory period of self-isolation. I've been so lucky being able to arrange convenient Sainsburys/Tescos food deliveries to keep me topped up with comestibles. 
There are four major (major to me anyway!) tasks I'd very much like to be done for me. I wonder if any of my friends, who live locally,  know of, and could recommend, any reliable artisans or tradespersons (tradespeople?)  who could carry out these tasks for me - for suitable remuneration of course. 
To do any or all of them before the end of next week would indeed be the icing on the cake but even if you could just put me in touch with somebody so they could come round and give me a quote and we could arrange a mutually convenient time to do the work that would be great and I would be in your debt.
The tasks are:
1.   sanding down and painting the patio french doors
2.   artexing (or otherwise making good) the kitchen ceiling
3.   pruning or cutting down two of the trees in my garden
4.   acting as my eBay agent. I've got tons to sell and would happily pay a 50% commission

As for me, I'm keeping myself busy in the garden - in between the showers/storms. More than one trip to the tip once I'm allowed out again.

Stay safe and sane everyone.  

1 comment:

  1. If I were nearer, would be happy to help. Actually love glazing. Oh, and I am awaiting results of Covid test, maybe tomorrow. Is this to be a hermit's house, or will guests by welcome?
