I'd love to be able to say it was all over. But, of course, I can't. On the plus side, there were 'only' 43 corona-virus related deaths in the whole week, not so long ago it was more than that each day.
The trouble is that people keep partying and infecting each other. An extract from a Spanish newspaper El Pais: "A birthday party. Double the attendees permitted. Four asymptomatic carriers of the coronavirus.
Twenty infections. That’s what happened in the Catalan province of
Lleida, which, as a result of this new outbreak, will see its healthcare
area remain in Phase 1 of Spain’s ongoing deescalation plan for at least one week more than expected. But similar stories are being repeated across Spain." And not just Spain - thoughtless dickheads live amongst us, all over the globe.
As for me, I'm out and about every day. Not kissing the ladies, nor shaking hands with the men, as was the custom 'in the old days', doing the social distancing dance, and wearing a mask when I go into a shop.
On Tuesday I enjoyed my first McDonalds for 11 weeks. On Friday I walked most of the way to Cambrils and called in at a Mexican restaurant for lunch on the way home. Please remind me not to order the large size of nachos next time - I could have fed a regiment. All the good work that I've done over the weeks to lose some weight has gone out of the window! The three beers didn't help either.(Goldilocks and the 3 beers!)
A funny thing happened to me almost at the end of my 'joglet' this
afternoon. I had run and walked (well, mostly walked) to Cap Salou and
back and stopped on the way back for coffee and cake. A girl I know came
over and we started talking. We 'chinked' elbows, somewhat
conspiratorially, and, much as I enjoyed the experience, I thought it
quite strange as when I got home I then had to wash my elbow as well as
my hands. Hey ho, isn't life grand.
I wanted to finish with a short video in Russian, showing quite a few examples of Russian "смекалка", which roughly equates to savvy or nous. Some of them are quite brilliant, and others quite stupid. I'll leave you to decide...
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