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Monday, 20 April 2020

434: Lockdown Week 6

1.  Another two weeks are about to be added to the quarantine, making almost two months (so far). It strikes me that prisoners get time off for good behaviour, whereas we're getting time added on! If they'd said two months at the beginning I think they may have had a mutiny on their hands.
2.  It has been raining, it is raining and it promises to be raining for most of this week. Nice! Not! I suppose it doesn't matter if we're indoors anyway. Miss the sunshine.
3.  The mosquito season has started and at least one of them did a few circuits of my bedroom last night. Thankfully I have king-size sheets on a double bed so can just pull the sheet up over my head and practice being in a morgue. 
4.   Even with all this extra time on my hands I still find there aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I would like to. Most days I end up with more on the to-do list than when I started the day. (I suppose, intrinsically, I'm just an idle bugger) 

Let's see if I can't balance the Yin and Yang.
1.    I'm spending more face-to-face on-line time with both family and friends.
2.   I'm slowly improving my Spanish - despite no longer having the same opportunities to speak it.
3.   The Spanish language database I have designed and am developing is slowly progressing. Will it ever be ready to sell and make me a multi-millionaire? Perhaps not.
4.   There is a glimmer of hope with the quarantine. I read that Regional governors are pressing Sanchez to allow us out for some exercise (like people can do in many other countries). Children are apparently going to be allowed out from 27th April. I might be asking friends if I can borrow a few! It must have been hell for those with no garden to play in. Registered coronavirus deaths are finally below 400, although weekend totals are notoriously inaccurate. Last Thursday I sneaked in a little 'expedition' to the local Lidl. It is 1km from here. I enjoyed the walk so much that I'm going to do it again next Thursday! 

And now for the odd cock a snook (British informal) at the coronavirus. I'm sure you will have seen a few of them but hopefully there is something new here for you:

Three video clips today:
Hello Mama, Hello Papa - prompted because of the rain in Spain this week
On the eve of destruction - prompted because of coronavirus (I know it's an anti-war song, but the title sounded right)
Mountbatten Military Music festival 2020 - from The Royal Albert Hall - stirring stuff

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