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Monday, 23 March 2020

430: Lockdown week 2

Last night they sprang a surprise on us. Because we'd all been doing so well under 'house arrest' they rewarded us with another two weeks. Until (at least) 11th April. I have already cancelled my March trip back to UK, now the April one is looking a bit 'iffy'. Too early to decide one way or the other and I will review the situation nearer the time.

Lst night, during the night, I heard a neighbour coughing for what seemed like several minutes. Oh dear, persistent coughing is one of the symptoms of the dreaded virus. Poor guy, I hope he hasn't got it. I shall pray for him. I'm quite pleased that the virus doesn't permeate through walls.

With no longer being allowed to walk outside, other than the short distance to the nearest shops, I was faced with a decision. In order not to pile on the pounds I had to either eat less or, somehow, exercise more. I've already cut out chocolate biscuits and cakes, and, let me tell you, that wasn't easy! The next step was to reduce the size of the portions or even, heaven forbid, cut out or cut down alcohol. In order to avoid either of those 'drastic' 😁steps, I searched You Tube for free workouts to do at home. There are hundreds of them. I chose this one. How could I not: "30 minute, low-impact, fat-burning workout for beginners". I enjoyed it, although I was sweating a bit by the end. Only the scales will tell if it has made a difference and, of course, I mustn't expect miracles after only one session. Nowhere near as powerful as my fellow Spanish student Inesa is doing. I've seen a video of her doing planks and all sorts of other exercises with her 3-year old son is sitting on her stomach or her back. спортсменка!

Here are some more jokes & memes about coronavirus and shortages in the shops. Luckily, at the moment anyway, we don't have shortages in the shops here. Perhaps Spanish people are more responsible than Brits? 

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