Today, Thursday 4th February, is known in Poland
as Fat Thursday. Traditionally Polish people stuff themselves with doughnuts
before the religious fast begins that is part and parcel of Lent.

Regular readers of my blog may remember that I’m not very
good with heights, despite being a frequent flyer. Today was a major milestone
in my struggle with this particular phobia. I had a new student coming
on-stream. She works on the 19th floor of an office block. The
mountain was kind enough to come to Mohammed (in the Costa Coffee shop on the
ground floor) but I knew that if I didn’t climb this particular mountain today
then each subsequent week would get progressively more difficult. So, get in
the lift and fight the demons. I can report that they were successfully
banished. At least for today. Then home for a stiff zubrovka, or two.
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