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Sunday, 26 April 2015

338: Keep on running

I firmly believe that running is one of the keys to living healthily. I enjoy eating (they used to call me dustbin Des because I would eat anything and everything in sight) and drinking (who me?). I'm convinced that running, or jogging in my case, helps to keep the weight down. Of course it's not the only way to stay in shape. I could always try eating less or walking more often and further, or even take up smoking again! So this "motivational" poster is not really for me (these days I can spill my beer even when I'm just holding it) . But it's funny, nevertheless.

Today is the London Marathon. This is generally considered to be one of the best marathons in the world. I think this accolade has been awarded because of the organisation, the route, the rousing support given by the spectators, the goody bags, and the pre- and post-run activities.
I can speak from experience having run the London marathon twice, in my (slightly!) younger days. My first marathon was on my 44th birthday. Underneath the photos I have included (again) a video clip from Chariots of Fire. Probably my all-time favourite motivational music. I wonder how many times my Face Book friend Bryony Shabli will have heard it on her way round the course today.

Today there is also a 10KM run in Warsaw. I saw quite a few athletes on the metro this afternoon. Mostly they were still glowing from the endorphins. If only I'd known. But I am taking part in a 5KM run next Sunday to help Poland celebrate Constitution Day.

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