Today it is Easter in the Russian (and Greek ?) Orthodox Church. People say to each other "Христос воскрес" (Christ has risen) and the reply is given "воистину воскрес" (truly).
There is a much more eloquent description than I could give of what happens during a Russian Easter in "Natasha from Russia"'s blog
but just to whet your appetite here is the picture from her Easter entry:

Yesterday was a rainy day. It rained almost non-stop. To get out of the rain I went to the puppet theatre. It was the first time I had been there but it won't be the last. What a fantastic performance and at the end all the puppeteers came out with their puppets and took a bow. I saw something called "the extraordinary concert" and enjoyed it immensely. And, as a bonus, I understood "most" of what the Master of Ceremonies puppet was saying. Do take a few minutes from your busy day and click on the link - I especially recommend clicking on the embedded video clip to get a flavour of the show.
Here are a few pictures of the museum inside the puppet theatre.
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