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Saturday, 30 May 2015

339: to run and Torun

Why the strange title to the blog? Tomorrow I'm heading off to Torun - the birthplace of Copernicus. Watch this space (watching Space is, of course, what he used to do!) 
Can it really be more than a month since my last blog? Sorry, Hazel, I'll try to do better. This one will be short and sweet, just to let people know I'm still in the land of the living.
Just back from a 10KM run. Not easy after the alcohol I sank at last night's party at the language school that employs me here in Warsaw. It is called L squared. They were very genial hosts and I thank them for their hospitality. Lots of lovely food and a plentiful supply of beer and wine.If I hadn't had to leave early to be ready for an 8.00 a.m. Skype lesson this morning I shudder to think when I might have torn myself away from the revels. It was good to meet the staff informally and also some of the other teachers. 
The run was hard work and certainly not my fastest. I put that down to last night's alcohol and the warm afternoon sun burning into my already addled brain through my balding pate. At least I got some "miles on the legs". Less than a month now to the Ramsey 10K.
Here is a photo, which I took yesterday, of two guys cleaning windows. I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear they climbed mountains on their days off. Fair put the wind up me just looking at them! Wonder how long it took to clean all the windows. And were they paid per pane?

I have to follow that with George Formby "when I'm cleaning windows". If I remember, and I rarely do, I showcased that video clip fairly recently. But it fits so well here so here it is again.