We had temperatures in the mid-twenties at the beginning of the week but I knew that wouldn't last and by Thursday we had thunderstorms and the temperature has dropped about 10 degrees.
I notice that in Moscow next week there is due to be stormy weather and some rain. Perhaps it's me? Perhaps I unwittingly carry around my own little weather system wherever I go?
Before it changed I managed to get in some sun bathing in the garden - enough to turn a delicate shade of pink. I shall have to work on a full-blown tan another time.
I had a few runs this week. For the second one I ran to the next village (Upwood) and back. It's a little bit rural and I came across some chickens who scampered back into the farmyard while I was faffing about with the camera on my phone.
Running on a bit further I came across this advert for the Nene Valley Gliding club. I had a look on their website today to see if they offered experience flights since I haven't been gliding for a few years. The answer is "yes they do" but I'm not prepared to pay £60 for a 10-minute flight. Skinflint!
On Thursday I went to the polls. In UK we had the opportunity to vote in local government elections and in elections to the European parliament. It's one of the things I value most in a democracy - free and fair elections. I wonder how today's vote in the Ukraine is going and whether the result will be accepted internationally.
My parents' house is still up for sale, despite having been on the market for almost 6 months. Here is a picture and a link to more complete details in case anybody reading this might be interested in buying it.