It's a slow news day. What to write about? Just back from my friend's birthday party last night. A good time was had by all. Good job it was indoors as the weather has been atrocious all weekend. Almost non-stop rain. I got soaked this morning when I went to collect the car (which I had to abandon last night after it had had too much to drink). And yet in Moscow this weekend it has been 24 degrees. I see from the forecast that as soon as I get back to Moscow tomorrow evening the temperature will return to one more normal for the time of year! Roll on Summer.
Today's pictures have been included to corroborate the marathon claims that I made last week. Here is a younger, and faster, me - in 1995 and 1998.
Four hours for a marathon is, I think, quite respectable. The elite runners finish in a little over two hours and slow, and fun, runners come in at about the six hour mark. In 2002 Lloyd Scott took almost a week to complete the course. But he was wearing an antique diving suit.
Today's pictures have been included to corroborate the marathon claims that I made last week. Here is a younger, and faster, me - in 1995 and 1998.